Distillery Energy Consulting

KEEN can help improve your energy efficiency every step of the way with:

  • Distillery HVAC services

  • Distillery equipment installation or replacement

  • Distillery building automation

  • Distillery solar panel installation

  • Distillery energy storage

  • And more

Distilleries are some of the most energy-intensive food and beverage products on the mark. Whisky production consumes substantially more than other drinks, including seven times more energy than gin. The combination of rising energy prices, glass and labor shortages has made the past several months challenging for distillers of all sizes.

Owners can take a proactive approach to energy efficiency by addressing several key elements:

  • Invest in a professional energy audit to identify the most cost-effective ways to reduce energy waste

  • Create and improve production processes that prioritize energy savings.

  • Empower employees to make recommendations that improve energy efficiency

  • Prioritize preventative maintenance, especially for all compressed air, pump, motor and heating systems

Raise your glass to a future filled with environmental harmony and sustainability. With peace of mind knowing your distillery is the best in town.

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