Commercial Heat Pumps: The Smart Investment

Commercial heat pumps offer property owners a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution for all their heating and cooling needs. Thanks to local, state and federal programs, heat pumps for businesses and commercial properties are more affordable than ever, offering an accessible option to lower operating costs and meet internal sustainability priorities. 

A row of industrial heat pumps.

What Types of Commercial Heat Pumps Are There?

Like residential heat pumps, commercial systems are divided into two categories. 

Commercial Air-source Heat Pumps

Also known by the acronym ASHPs, air-source systems are the most common choice for commercial properties. ASHPs are less expensive to purchase and install. This system works by acquiring heat outdoors and pulling it inside, even in cold temperatures. For retail or non-industrial settings, the right size air-source heat pump is more energy-efficient for heating to subzero temperatures and equally efficient as AC units for cooling, too. 

Commercial Water-source Heat Pumps

As the name implies, water-source heat pumps absorb heat from water in a closed-loop system running inside and outside the facility. The system relies heavily on consistent ground temperatures outdoors, which experiences little seasonal variation below a depth of three feet. System depth may vary based on soil type and climate, but water-source heat pumps deliver exceptionally consistent heating and cooling year-round when properly installed. 

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The Benefits of Commercial Heat Pumps

Especially in industries with razor-sharp margins, the energy cost volatility associated with natural gas and fuel oil has serious implications for operating budgets. Commercial heat pumps mitigate the exposure to price volatility by improving heating and cooling efficiency for businesses. Heat pumps are 300-400% efficient when heating and approximately 175-300% when cooling. These systems are:

  • More efficient than traditional HVAC systems

  • Heat and cool, making them a dual-purpose investment

  • Less expensive to operate

  • Have longer lifespans than furnaces or AC units, up to 25 years

Access the Best Heat Pump Manufacturers

We have close relationships with several commercial heat pump manufacturers, giving customers affordable access to the best system for their facilities. Commercial HVAC companies like Carrier, Trane, Rheem, and Mitsubishi offer quality systems readily customized to suit unique applications, including industrial settings. 

The most important element of switching your business to a heat pump system is expert system design and installation. Keen’s energy experts will create the ideal system, select the right equipment, and integrate the monitoring and controls needed to ensure maximum energy savings. 

Find the Best System for Your Facility with Keen Technical Solutions

Keen is northern Michigan’s leading energy efficiency firm. With deep industry experience in commercial heat pump installation and maintenance, we help Michigan businesses make smart investments in their energy future. Let’s get started; contact us to speak with a Keen energy consultant today!


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